Where do Women stand in India 2021?

Divyanshu Tripathy , IIT Gandhinagar, tripathydivyanshu@iitgn.ac.in

Prachika Kanodia , IIT Gandhinagar, kanodiaprachika@iitgn.ac.in

Avnish Ranwa , IIT Gandhinagar, ranwaavnish@iitgn.ac.in


We have used India Districts Factsheets of National Family Health Survey (NFHS) - 5, 2019-2021 data. This data provides 137 features about various sectors like education, crime, health, finance etc. of all the states and union territories of India, segrated into Rural and Urban data. From these factors we have chosen to work upon factors related to Women to know about the recent status of women in Indian society.

Women's education stature:

To analyze women's education in different states we have picked up for four contributing factors, they are, Women (age 15-49) who are literate, Female population age 6 years and above who ever attended school, Women (age 15-49) with 10 or more years of schooling and Women (age 15-49) who have ever used the internet. The last factor was chosen as even if a women didn't attend formal schooling but still she can educate herself through the internet.

Spider chart visualization is done along with drop down menu to visualize the data from different states.

From the visualization, in the northen states like Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab the percentage of Women who can use internet facilities is almost constant, lying in range (50-60%). Also in Jammu & Kashmir the level of education is relatively lower as compared to other states, with other states having almost the same level of education.

In the eastern states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar all the factors are decreasing considerably meaning that importance is not given to Women's education and their independence. In Bihar and Odisha the accesss to internet to women is horrible i.e., around 20% only, another noticable thing in Bihar is that Number of Women who have attended primary education is more as compared to percentage of literate women it means that there are a percentage of women that have gone to school but came out illiterate (4%).

Things get a little better as we go further east then all of the factors are increasing which is especially true for Sikkim i.e., there are 80% of women who have access to internet and 90% of literate women. However, in Tripura and Assam internet access is very low comparable to Bihar and also Women attending higher education is around 20-30% only.

In the center and west side, all the factors are in the same range i.e., around 30% female internet access and 40% provision of higher education in almost all of the states. However, Goa shines in all the factors are relatively high i.e., primary education is 90%, internet access is 70% and also the percentage of women pursuing higher education is much higher, 73%.

As we travel down south all the factors are relatively good as compared to states of north and west but in Kerala all the factors are astoundingly high. However, surprisingly in Telangana internet access is very low i.e., less than 20% but higher education provision is more i.e., around 45%.

The following bar plot shows the comparison between provision of facilities in Urban and Rural Area in sorted manner.

Violence against Women:

From the geo plot visualization, the percentage of women who have experienced spousal, physical and sexual violence has been visualized in urban and rural areas.

Spousal Violence

Plotting data on map of India

Rural Data

Urban Data

From the visualization, it can be noticed that spousal violence on women is very high in south and north-eastern states.

Spousal violence is highest in Karnataka in south while in north-east Manipur is the highest in both Urban and Rural areas. Bihar also stands out as number of spousal violence cases specially in rural area is very high.

Physical Violence during pregnancy

Rural Data

Urban Data

From the visualization, it can be noticed that most of the physical violence case on women come from rural india.

Physical violence is highest in Karnataka in south followed by Bihar, Manipur while the least percentage of women suffered from physical violence during pregnancy is in Ladakh.

Sexual Violence

Rural Data

Urban Data

Here also we can see the similar trends as in spousal violence. Just that here instead of Ladakh, Women in Odisha suffer least sexual violence in both Rural and Urban region.

Karnataka, Bihar, Manipur and West Bengal has very high percentage of women suffering from sexual, physical and spousal violence as compared to other states. So governments of these states should implement the laws in strict manner so that women will feel safe.

Correlation Analysis:

Impact of alcohol consumption on the violence faced by women

Here, we will try to find out if the amount of alcohol consumed has any impact on the violence faced by women.

Considering following features:

--> Ever-married women age 18-49 years who have ever experienced spousal violence27 (%)
--> Ever-married women age 18-49 years who have experienced physical violence during any pregnancy (%)
--> Young women age 18-29 years who experienced sexual violence by age 18 (%)
--> Women age 15 years and above who consume alcohol (%)
--> Men age 15 years and above who consume alcohol (%)

From the correlation plot it can be noticed that there is a weak correlation between alcohol consumption and any kind of violence on women. Also we can see that where women suffered one type of violence also has chance to be suffered from another kind of violence.

Interestingly, we can also observe that if percentage of men at a place consuming alcohol is high then at that place consumption of alcohol by women is also high.

Do educated women also face violence?

From the above plot it can be noticed that women who are literate suffers less spousal and physical violence which can be seen from correlation coefficients which are -0.6 and -0.53 respectively i.e., moderately negative correlation. Also women who use internet suffers less spousal and physical violence which again can be seen from correlation coefficients which are -0.56 and -0.47 respectively i.e., moderately negative correlation.

However, it can be seen that literacy of women has little to no effect on sexual violence experienced by them as categorized by weak correlation coefficients. Also it can be noticed that men literacy not effect the violence suffered by women i.e., weak negative correlation.

Status of women health:

Processing data into different columns of rural and urban after cleaning

Analysis of underweight women

From the overlay area plot, it is obvious that women being underweight in rural areas i.e., there BMI is low. From the correlation matrix it can be seen that state which contains high percentage of underweight women in rural areas also does so in urban areas. States having the highest percentage of underweight women are Gujarat, Bihar and Jharkhand.

The only states in which the underweight women are more in urban areas than in rural areas are Delhi, Nagaland and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. As for the union territory of Chandigarh, there is no rural area.

Analysis of overweight women

From above visualization, it can be noticed that urban women are more overweight than women in rural areas, and from previous plot we have seen that rural women are more prone to being underweight. From the correlation matrix, there is a good chance that states that have more overweight women in rural areas also does so in urban areas.

The states having highest percentage of overweight women are Puducherry, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh. It can be seen that for most of the states it is the case that the women(%) being overweight is greater than 40% which is not a good sign of healthy population.

Analysis of Cancer

Let's try to see what percentage of female cancer cases lies in urban and rural areas.

In all three types of cancer we can see that the distribution is almost equal between rural and urban even though urban areas got slightly more cancer cases.


Therefore, we have looked over some of specific sectors such as education, violence faced by women and female health. And we can see that education status of women in some states is fine whereas in some of the states need to improve greately in this sector, finding out reasons why women don't educated in that state and studying the states with high female education.

Talking about violence faced by women is generally high in south and north-eastern states and also we have seen that education in women and access to internet can suppress such violence issues to some extent. Therefore, these states should invest more in education sector and also in the digital sector.

As for the health sector, women in rural areas are less overweight than in urban areas which shows that urban lifestyle is little bit lazy.

So, overall these are some important factors which contributes to show the status of women in India 2021.